News & Events

NEW! Interviewed for the Netflix documentary High Score, a series about the golden age of video games.

June 2019

Indie game has launched in the iOS App store.

April 2019

Interviewed by GPB Radio about the diversification of the video game industry.

March 2019

The Gerald A. Lawson foundation was featured on CBS News in Atlanta.


Designed & developed the radio streaming app for one of the Largest Media Companies in the U.S. Cox Media Group. The OTT app streams music and displays meta data content including: radio station branding, artist meta data and album cover artwork. The app was developed on both the Apple TV and Roku platforms and was the company’s initial radio streaming product on both platforms.

October 2014

Moderated a celebrity panel at the A3C Music Festival. The topic focused on Social Media and the ways in which it is used by artists to engage their fans.

August 2014

Released the Helio Soneca BJJ app in the Apple App Store.

June 2012

Biztech magazine interviewed me regarding the accomplishments of my father Gerald A. Lawson and how he influenced me.

December 2010

AP Television featured a story about my research project: Helping Hand. The interview was posted to several news websites. I am working on bringing this device to market.

Summer 2009

CNN Edge of Discovery featured a story about the Georgia Tech Aware Home. I was fortunate enough to have my research mentioned in the video segment.


As a Product Manager and software professional I have encountered numerous sites with informative information. Below are just a few sites that I reference to keep me abreast of interesting news related to the industry. I will add more links as I come across them.

  1. Lead On Purpose Blog
  2. Optimal Product Management Certification
  3. Reasearch Gate Profile
  4. Association for Computer Machinery
  5. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  6. HCI Bibliography
  7. Arduino
  8. Google ADK
  9. Edward Tufte
  10. iPhone Jiu Jitsu App Store Preview
  11. Ghost City 3D App Store Preview

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Atlanta, GA

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